Code of Conduct

Zero Tolerance

The Board of Directors of Channahon Baseball Association has adopted the following Code of Conduct for players, coaches, parents, and spectators participating in the Channahon Baseball League (CBL) games, events, and activities. The CBL Board of Directors is committed to ensuring the best possible baseball softball experience for the members of our league. The program is designed to provide an experience that is positive, safe, developmental, and fun for the players. Coaches, parents and spectators shall, by their actions and conduct, set an example for the players. Any Channahon Baseball Board Member is always open to a conversation or answer any questions.

The CBL Board of Directors will take a stance of ZERO TOLERANCE in the event of a violation of the Code of Conduct. Players shall adhere to the following code of conduct and no player, at any time shall:

  • Push, shove, and threaten to strike or intentionally try to injury another player, coach or official.
  • Throw gloves, helmets, or bats, or any other un-sportsman like action.
  • Speak disrespectfully to any player, coach, official or representative of the league
  • Use profane, obscene, or vulgar language at any time.
  • Leave the field of play or dugout during a game.
  • Leave the dugout after a game/ practice without cleaning up the garbage. (bottles, cans, snack wrappers)
  • Challenge an umpire’s authority. The umpires shall have the authority and discretion during a game to penalize the offender according to the infraction up to and including expulsion from the game.
  • Bring any type of firearm, knife, or any other weapon to any baseball games, practices, or other baseball events. (Doing so will result in immediate removal from the team and league and potential criminal prosecution).


Players are expected to:

  • Play by the rules
  • Work equally hard for him/herself as well as teammates.
  • Cooperate with coaches, teammates, and opponents.
  • Show sportsmanship and respect, win or lose.
  • Respect league equipment as their own.
  • Take any position asked to play by the coach, without argument.
  • Attend all practices and games. Absences are expected; however it is the players duty to notify the coach of an absence in advance of a practice or game.
  • Wear the appropriate clothing and bring all appropriate equipment to each practice or game. Protective cups are to be worn by all male players.


Coaches, parents and spectators shall adhere to the following code of conduct. No coach, parent or spectator shall at any time:  

  • Lay a hand upon, push, shove, or threaten a player, coach, umpire, parent, or Board Member.
  • Verbally abuse any player, coach, umpire another parent or board member for any reason
  • Use profane, obscene, or vulgar language at any time while children are present
  • Challenge an umpire’s authority. The umpires shall have the authority and discretion during a game to penalize the offender according to the infraction up to and including, expulsion from the game.
  • Bring any type of firearm, knife, or any other weapon to any baseball games, practices, or other baseball events. (Doing so will result in immediate removal from the league and possible criminal prosecution)


Coaches, parents and spectators are expected to:

  • Conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner while participating at any league activity.
  • Treat all players, managers, coaches, umpires, league officials, and other parents or spectators with respect.
  • Be supportive of, and participate in, league activities, games, tournaments, and fundraising events. We encourage you to support the Channahon Concession stand.
  • Cooperate with team managers, coaches, and team moms, be supportive of their decisions, and follow team rules as set by the managers.
  • Have their son or daughter arrive at games and practices properly dressed and equipped, and ready to play, on time. Parents will further ensure that their son or daughter is picked up promptly at the time specified.
  • Assist in keeping all fields utilized by CBL clean by picking up and disposing of all litter around their team’s dugout and stands after each practice and game.
  • Read, understand, and become familiar with the Channahon Baseball rules, regulations, and policies for the current season.
  • Bring any grievances immediately with the league to the attention of the Board of Directors. This can be done in writing or speaking with a board member.
  • Our league is run by volunteers and the township does not maintain or help with the maintenance of the fields and or league. Please help us keep our fields clean.


Coaches, players, parents and spectators shall not conduct themselves in any manner detrimental to Channahon Baseball Association.

Violation of this Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action against the violator, which may include any of the following:

  1. Ejection: The violator may be ejected from a game by either the officiating umpire or by a Channahon Baseball Board Member. A violator may be ejected from a CBL practice, activity, or event by a Channahon Baseball Board Member. A person that is ejected from the game, practice, activity or event must leave immediately without further incident, or be subject to further disciplinary action by the Board or removal by the police. Any person ejected will be automatically suspended from participating in their team’s next scheduled game. The Channahon Board will determine whether further disciplinary action is warranted.
  2. Probation: The violator will be advised verbally and in writing of the offense, and the period of probation during which it is expected that no further violations will occur.
  3. Suspension: The violator will be advised verbally and in writing of the offense and the period of suspension during which the violator is prohibited from participating in any CBL games, activities, or events. 
  4. Dismissal: The violator will be advised verbally or in writing of the offense and informed that he or she is being dismissed from the League for the remainder of the season or other specified period of time.
  5. Barred: The violator will be advised in writing of the offense and informed that he or she has been barred from present and future participation in the League, permanently, or for a specified time.

The Channahon Baseball President, Vice President, and Division Commissioner, shall review all issues concerning violations of the Coaches/Parents/Spectators Code of Conduct. Their decision shall be final, unless appealed by the violator to the full Channahon Baseball Board. The full Channahon Baseball Board of Directors shall have discretion to determine whether or not to hear a violator’s appeal. If the Board determines not to hear the appeal, then the 3-person review panel’s decision shall be deemed the final decision of the Board. If the Board decides to hear the appeal, then the majority vote of the Board regarding after hearing the appeal shall be the final decision of the Board.

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